Tobacco/Nicotine Products/Electronic Cigarettes (Vaping):
Students are not allowed to use, be in possession of, or provide to anyone else, any tobacco/nicotine products or any form of electronic cigarettes (vapes)
Surrendering Items: If students are found to be using, possessing or providing tobacco/nicotine products or any form of electronic cigarettes they will be required to give the item(s) to the Principal/Vice-Principal. These items will not be returned to students and will be disposed of.
School Based Consequences: In the management of any issues with the above, ESS will continue to follow Progressive Discipline, which include a range of responses that may be supportive and/or disciplinary, including suspensions.
Personal Mobile Devices: (including cell phones, tablets etc)
- All members of the school community must not use personal mobile devices during instructional time except under the following circumstances:
- for educational purposes, as directed by an educator
- for health and medical purposes
- to support special education needs
Students are expected to keep their phones in their lockers during instructional time.
If an educator sees a personal mobile device during instructional time, the student will be asked to take their phone to their locker or place it in a designated spot in the classroom.
School Based Consequences: In the management of any issues with the above, ESS will continue to follow Progressive Discipline, which include a range of responses that may be be supportive and/or disciplinary.
If parents/guardians need to contact their student for an emergency, they can call the school.